Da Cannes Lions’ fjerde og næstsidste awardshow løb af stablen i aftes havde danske Virtue hele 12 vinderchancer: seks shortlister i kategorierne Innovation og Radio & Audio med ’Genderless Voice’ for Copenhagen Pride og yderligere seks i kategorierne Mobile, Brand Experience & Activation Lions og Creative eCommerce med ’AdDRESS the Future’ for Carlings.
Med så forholdsvist gode odds måtte der jo falde noget af, og det gjorde der også, nemlig en guldløve og hele fire styks i bronze.
Guldløven og en enkelt af bronzestatuetterne falder i kategorien Mobile for ’AdDRESS the Future’-casen, imens de øvrige tre bronzeløver går til ’The Genderless Voice’ i Radio & Audio-kategorien.
Status for Virtue er dermed en Grand Prix, en guld-, en sølv- og fire bronzeløver foruden 22 shortlister. Og så har bureauet ovenikøbet endnu en chance for at hive en award med hjem, når der i morgen uddeles løver i kategorien ’Glass – The Lion for Change’, hvor Virtue er nomineret for ’Genderless Voice’.
Udover Virtue har også Mensch/Sansir, Carlsberg, & Co. og Bacon en chance for at vinde løvestatuetter ved Cannes Lions’ sidste prisuddeling i morgen fredag.
Se oversigten over de 43 danske shortlister nederst i artiklen.
At et dansk bureau både sikrer sig en Grand Prix og en guldløve er helt og aldeles ekstraordinært for dansk reklame.
Oversigt over danske løver:
- SØLV: Uitch Iscratch for ‘Voiceless Women’ for organisationen New Lives (Direction)
- GRAND PRIX: Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Digital Craft)
- SØLV: Bacon Copenhagen for ‘Almost Human’ for Carlsbergfondet (Script)
- BRONZE: New Land for ‘The Lift’ for Bianco (Script)
- SØLV: Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Social & Influencer)
- GULD: Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Mobile)
- BRONZE: Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Mobile)
- BRONZE: Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride Copenhagen (Radio & Audio)
- BRONZE: Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride Copenhagen (Radio & Audio)
- BRONZE: Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride Copenhagen (Radio & Audio)
Danske shortlister ved Cannes Lions 2019
Health & Wellness Lions:
- Uitch Iscratch for ‘Voiceless Women’ for New Lives (Direction)
- Uitch Iscratch for ‘Voiceless Women’ for New Lives (Direction)
- Uitch Iscratch for ‘Voiceless Women’ for New Lives (Cinematography)
Entertainment Lions:
- & Co. for ‘The Lift’ for Bianco Footwear (Fiction Film)
Digital Craft Lions:
- Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Cross Cannel Storytelling)
- Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Personalised Storytelling)
- Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Innovative Use of Technology)
- Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride CPH (Experience Design)
Film Craft Lions:
- Bacon CPH for ‘The Indoor Generation’ for Velux (Direction)
- Bacon CPH for ‘The Indoor Generation’ for Velux (Cinematography)
- Bacon CPH for ‘The Arrivals’ for SAS (Direction)
- Bacon CPH for ‘Almost Human’ for Carlsbergfondet (Script)
- New Land for ‘The Lift’ for Bianco (Direction)
- New Land for ‘The Lift’ for Bianco (Script)
PR Lions:
- Mensch/Sansir for ‘Closed for Maintenance’ for Visit Faroe Islands (Travel)
- Mensch/Sansir for ‘Closed for Maintenance’ for Visit Faroe Islands (Crisis Comm. & Issues Management)
- & Co./Weber Shandwick for ‘The Indoor Generation’ for Velux (Corporate Image, Comm. & Reputation Management)
- Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride CPH (Use of Technology)
Social & Influencer Lions:
- Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Consumer Durables)
- Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (New Realities & Voice Activation)
- Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Social Business & Commerce)
- Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Social Behaviour & Insight)
Media Lions:
- Hjaltelin Stahl for ’Homeless Home Sale’ for Ekstra Bladet (Entertainment)
- MediaCom Beyond Advertising for ‘United against Violence’ for Danner
Mobile Lions:
- Virtue for ‘AdDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Data/Insight)
- Virtue for ‘AdDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Co-creation & User Generated Content)
- Virtue for ‘AdDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Social Trends)
- Virtue for ‘AdDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Social Business & Commerce)
Creative eCommerce Lions:
- Virtue for adDRESS the Future for Carlings (Social Behaviour & Insight)
Radio & Audio:
- Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride CPH (Not For Profit/Charity/Government)
- Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride CPH (Sound Design)
- Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride CPH (Use of Audio Technology/Voice Activation)
- Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride CPH (Social Behaviour & Insight)
- Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride CPH (Breakthrough on a Budget)
Brand Experience & Activation Lions:
- Virtue for ‘AdDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (New Realities & Voice Activation)
Innovation Lions:
- Virtue for ’Genderless Voice’ for Pride CPH
Oversigt over danske løver:
- SØLV: Uitch Iscratch for ‘Voiceless Women’ for organisationen New Lives (Direction)
- GRAND PRIX: Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Digital Craft)
- SØLV: Bacon Copenhagen for ‘Almost Human’ for Carlsbergfondet (Script)
- BRONZE: New Land for ‘The Lift’ for Bianco (Script)
- SØLV: Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Social & Influencer)
- GULD: Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Mobile)
- BRONZE: Virtue for ‘adDRESS the Future’ for Carlings (Mobile)
- BRONZE: Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride Copenhagen (Radio & Audio)
- BRONZE: Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride Copenhagen (Radio & Audio)
- BRONZE: Virtue for ‘Genderless Voice’ for Pride Copenhagen (Radio & Audio)