Her er nomineringerne ved European Search Awards

Pia Osbæck

Tre danske bureauer skiller sig ud ved Europamesterskaberne i search marketing.

Opdateret: Tre danske bureauer får rigtig mange nomineringer ved Europamesterskaberne i search marketing, eller European search awards, som det rettelig hedder. Men et bureau er pænt foran de to andre.

Klart i spidsen ligger iProspect med 21 nomineringer for syv kunder. S360 har 13 nomineringer for fire kunder. Årets højdespringer er Lazzaweb, der sidste år fik en nominering. I år har de hele 12 nomineringer for fire kunder.

Searchmind er ny på listen over nominerede med to styks for Rains, mens Merkle, Dept og Kant har fået en hver.

Tre af s360s nomineringer giver mulighed for at blive kåret som det bedste bureau inden for henh. Best Large PPC agency, Best large SEO Agency og Best large integrated search agency, mens Lazzaweb har fået en nominering i kategorien: Best small integrated search agency.

Samlet set er iProspect med 35 nomineringer på tværs af markeder det mest nominerede bureau til awardshowet. Fra executive director i iProspect, Flemming Kaasgaard, lyder det:

”Det er fantastisk igen i år at se, at vi fra Danmark på tværs af bureauer og annoncører kan konstatere at det faglige niveau inden for digital markedsføring er ekstremt højt sammenlignet med mange af de omkringliggende markeder. Selvom der selvfølgelig er et bias ift. mængden af indsendte awards, så matcher det godt med den fornemmelse vi har, når vi opererer på tværs af landegrænser. ”

Artiklen er blevet opdateret med to nomineringer til Precis Digital.

Awardshowet bliver afholdt den 25. maj.

Se listen over danske nomineringer:

iProspect Danmark

Kategori: Best use of search – retail / Ecommerce (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: Stokke (i samarbejde med Carat)
Case: Maximizing profitability through integrated search

Kategori: Best use of search – third sector / not for profit (large)
Kunde: Via University College EVU
Case: Beating the competitors by integrating SEO and SEM with OneSearch

Kategori: Best use of search – B2B (SEO) (Large)
Kunde: Tulip Bacon
Case: The recipe for crispy data!

Kategori: Best use of search – B2C (SEO) (Large)
Kunde: Dyrup
Case: Using EAT to gain market shares in a declining market

Kategori: Best use of search – B2C (SEO) (Large)
Kunde: Ikea
Case: Adapting to market changes: How content clusters can drive growth in a declining search market

Kategori: Best use of search – health (large)
Kunde:  Audika Denmark
Case: Local never sounded better

Kategori: Best use of search – FMCG (Large)
Kunde: Tulip Bacon
Case: The recipe for crispy data!

Kategori: Best local campaign (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: CeriX
Case: Leveraging automation and geo-baed technology

Kategori: Best local campaign (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: Audika Denmark
Case: Local never sounded better

Kategori: Best low budget campaign (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: CeriX
Case: Leveraging automation and geo-based tehcnology

Kategori: Best low budget campaign (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: Via University College EVU
Case: Beating the competitors by integrating SEO

Kategori: Best integrated campaign (Large)
Kunde: Stokke i samarbejde med Carat
Case: Maximizing profitability ghrough integrated search.

Kategori: Best integrated campaign (Large)
Kunde: Tulip Bacon
Case: The recipe for crispy data!

Kategori: Most innovative campaign (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: CeriX
Case:  Leveraging automation and geo-based technology.

Kategori: Most innovative campaign (PPC) (Large)
Kunde:  Via University College EVU
Case: Beating the competitors by integrating SEO and SEM with OneSearch

Kategori: Best pan european campaign (large)
Kunde: Stokke (i samarbejde med Carat)
Case: Maximizing profitablity through integrated search.

Kategori: Best pan european campaign (large)
Kunde: Tulip Bacon
Case: The recipe for crispy data!

Kategori: Best use of content marketing (large)
Kunde: Tulip Bacon
Case: The recipe for crispy data!

Kategori: Best use of data (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: Stokke (i samarbejde med Carat)
Case: Maximizing profitability through integrated search

Kategori: Best use of data (PPC) (large)
Kunde: CeriX
Case: Leveraging automation and geo-based technology

Kategori: Best use of data (SEO) (Large)
Kunde: Tulip Bacon
Case: The recipe for crispy data!


Kategori: Best use of search – retail / ecommerce (SEO) (Large)
Kunde: VidaXL
Case: How we boosted organic revenue by 168 % on the UK market and 304 % on  the DE market with a data-driven content strategy

Kategori: Best use of search – retail /Ecommerce (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: Sephora
Case: Using paid Search as the main growth driver in the Nordic

Kategori: Best use of search – travel /leisure (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: Jysk Rejsebureau
Case: Casching in on travel: How we earned 850 % ROI and 392 % more leads with paid search

Kategori: Best use of search – B2C (SEO) (Large)
Kunde: VidaXL
Case: How we boosted organic revenue by 168 % on the UK market and 304 % on the DE market with a data-driven content strategy

Kategori: Best use of search – B2C (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: Jysk Rejsebureau
Case: Cashing in on travel: How we earned 850 % ROI and 392 % more leads with paid search

Kategori: Best local campaign (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: Sephora
Case: Using paid search as the main growth driver in the Nordic markets

Kategori: Best low budget campaign (SEO) (Large)
Kunde: Drømmeland
Case: 50 % increase in search rankings throug content and SEO auditing

Kategori: Best PPC Campaign (Large)
Kunde: Jysk Rejsebureau
Case: Cashing in on travel: How we earened 850 % Roi and 392% more leads with paid search

Kategori: Best PPC Campaign (Large)
Kunde: Sephora
Case: Using paid search as the main growth driver in the Nordic markets.

Kategori: Best use of data (SEO) (large)
Kunde: VidaXL
Case: How we boosted organic revenue by 168 % on the UK market and 304 % on the DE market with a Data-Driven content strategy

Kategori: Best Large PPC agency

Kategori: Best large SEO Agency

Kategori: Best large integrated search agency


Kategori: Best use of search – Retail / Ecommerce (SEO) (Small)
Kunde: The Meat Club
Case: Raising the steaks with SEO: A delicious recipe for growth

Kategori: Best use of search – retail / ecommerce (PPC) (Small).
Kunde. Cykeleksperten
Case: Climbing new heights of profit through Google

Kategori: Best use of search – B2C (SE) (Small)
Kunde: The Meat Club
Case: Raising the steaks with SEO: A delicious recipe for growth

Kategori: Best use of search – B2C (PPC) (Small)
Kunde: Cykelexperten
Case: Climbing new heights of profit through Google Advertising

Kategori: Best low budget campaign (SEO) (Small)
Kunde: The Meat Club
Case: Raising the steaks with SEO: A delicious recipe for growth

Kategori: Best integrated campaign (Small)
Kunde: Geekd
Case: Unlocking next level with Google Marketing Synergies

Kategori: Best integrated campaign (Small)
Kunde: OS Frisørartikler
Case: Cutting through the competition: the power of Google marketing dominance

Kategori: Best Seo Campaign (Small)
Kunde: The Meat Club
Case: Raising the steaks with SEO: A delicious recipe for growth

Kategori: Best Use of content marketing Small
Kunde: The Meat Club
Case: Raising the steaks with SEO: A delicious Recipe for growth

Kategori: Best use of data (PPC) (Small)
Kunde: Cykeleksperten
Case: Climbing New Heights of Profit through Google Advertising

Kategori: Best use of data (SEO) (Small)
Kunde: The Meat Club
Case: Raising the steaks with SEO: A delicious recipe for growth

Kategori: Best small integrated search agency

Resolution Danmark

Kategori: Best use of search – travel /leisure (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: DSB
Case: Manipulationg data to travel through time and price ranges

Kategori: Most innovative campaign (SEO) (Large)
Kunde: Arla Foods
Case: Identifying 40.000 product priorities at scale using AI & GPT.

Kategori: Best pan european campaign (large)
Kunde: Arla Foods
Case:  Identifying 40,000 product priorities at scale using AI & GPT.

Kategori: Best use of data (SEO) (large)
Kunde: Arla Foods
Case:  Identifying 40.000 product priorities at scale using AI & GPT


Kategori: Best use of search – B2C (SEO) (Large)
Kunde: Rains
Case: How an excerpt of hundred of small things made the biggest difference

Kategori: Best use of search – Fashion (large)
Kunde: Rains
Case: Performance Max Made it Pouring Rains on New Markets

Dept Danmark

Kategori: Best use of data (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: Jysk
Case: Adopting an algebraic apporach to PPC data to drive omnichannel revenue


Kategori: Best use of search – B2B (SEO) (Small)
Kunde: Apacta
Case: Skyrocketing signups in a niche industry


Kategori: Best use of search – B2B (SEO) (Large)
Kunde: Marel
Case: Processing SEO Succes

Precis Digital
Kategori: Best use of data (PPC) (Large)
Kunde: Matas
Case: Utilizing bigquery as the winning formula for incremental revenue growth in af crowded market

Kategori: Best search software tool
Case: Precis Reporting Solution – Unblackboxing performance max

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