700 globale bureauslogans og lidt filosofi

Praveen Vaidyanathan,
strategy director, Virtue Nordics

Slogans og reklamebranchen går hånd i hånd, men ikke alle anerkender vigtigheden af at have dem. Klummeskribenten, der er strategidirektør i Virtue, tager her et overordnet filosofisk kig på 700 bureauers egne slogans.

Mennesker har forsøgt at forudsige fremtiden siden tidernes morgen – fra Oraklet på Delphi til Farmer’s Almanac. De fleste forudsigelser viser sig dog langt fra at holde stik, og de, der gør, gør det typisk ved et tilfælde. Selv et ur, der er gået i stå, er som bekendt rettidigt mindst to gange om dagen. Men trangen til med sikkerhed at kunne forudsige, hvad der venter os, er der stadig.

Årsagen til, at vi uden lovning om succes alligevel søger efter vished, skal findes i biologien. Trods et ihærdigt forsøg på at mobilisere ethvert aktivt neuron har vores primitive hjerner ganske enkelt ikke fulgt med den stadigt mere komplekse verden af muligheder, vi befinder os i. For at fastholde illusionen om en form for kontrol over vores liv, finder vi derfor ro, retning og håb i diverse trosretninger, mulige årsagssammenhænge og modeller.

Et reklamebureaus virksomhedsfilosofi er et værktøj til at forudsige fremtidig succes. Under denne artikel finder du 700 eksempler på sådanne. Forud for enhver forståelse af den enkelte filosofi, er imidlertid anerkendelsen af vigtigheden af overhovedet at have en.

I korte træk er et reklamebureaus mål at gøre noget attraktivt. Det gør man ved at ændre vores opfattelse – og det gør man ved overtalelse. Reklameindustrien handler derfor i sin kerne om overtalelse.

Forud for enhver forståelse af den enkelte filosofi, er anerkendelsen af vigtigheden af overhovedet at have en.

I overbevisningen ligger en tro på argumentets rigtighed. Aristoteles beskrev således også overtalelsen som en form for demonstration og observerede, at der i den forbindelse eksisterer tre appelformer: Man kan enten tale til modtagerens fornuft (Ethos), følelse (Pathos) eller logik (Logos).

Reklamebureauer benytter sig af alle tre appelformer i varierende kombinationer. Alle hjælper de til at fremhæve, hvad der gør et givent brand eller produkt særligt indbydende og skaber derved et incitament til at vælge et brand over et andet.

Ligesom modtageren har behov for understregelsen af, hvordan et produkt eller brand adskiller sig fra et andet, har et reklamebureau brug for at demonstrere, hvad der gør netop dem særligt attraktive for kunder og talenter.

Med lovningen om, at netop deres filosofi garanterer de bedste løsninger for mulige klienter, bliver virksomhedsfilosofien – som oftest udtrykt i et kort, fængende slogan – en måde for bureauerne at profilere deres særlige karakteristika. Visse bureauer går endda så langt som til at forankre deres filosofi i teorier og fortolkningsrammer, der samtidig bliver et internt redskab til at verificere kvaliteten af ideen.

I realiteten bygger reklameindustrien, ikke ulig meteorologi, på formodninger og gæt. Det er med andre ord en industri, hvor risikoen for at tage fejl er langt højere end chancen for at ramme rigtigt. Med ret kan det dog hævdes – som også den legendariske reklamemand Paul Feldwork observerede – at der ingen grund er til at stræbe efter det mest rigtige. For selvom noget er korrekt, er det ikke nødvendigvis effektivt. Og så er alle reklameteorier fundamentalt forkerte.

Selvom noget er korrekt, er det ikke nødvendigvis effektivt.

Ligesom videnskabelige opdagelser oftest ikke er resultatet af et klart, lineært forløb, opstår ideer i reklameindustrien også i et samspil mellem kilder og indtryk.

Hverken processen eller resultatet i reklame lader sig nemt forsimple. Man kan derfor også spørge, hvordan den gode, effektive løsning nogensinde kan sikres i en enkelt frase, teoretiske begreber eller en trin-for-trinvejledning.

Faktisk relaterer brugen af disse sig i højere grad til transaktionen af ideer end til udviklingen af dem. Med andre ord er de et redskab i kommunikationen mellem de, der formulerer ideerne – reklamefolk – og de, der køber dem – kunderne. Eller, som den nobelprisvindende psykolog Daniel Kahneman ville sige, forholdet mellem ’System 1’- og ’System 2’-tænkere. Hvor den første gruppe er karakteriseret ved deres hurtige, komplekse og intuitive måde at tænke på, er den sidstnævnte gruppe mere langsom, lineær og kontrolleret i deres tankeproces.

Ogilvys næstformand Rory Sutherland er endda gået så langt som at sige, at kunder med baggrund i ledelse, finans og økonomi lider af, hvad forskere refererer til som en ’misundelse’ på det naturvidenskabelige fagområde – en trang til at fremstå mere matematisk funderet end, hvad deres arbejde rent faktisk kræver.

I så fald er den mest effektive måde, hvorpå en sådan tænker kan blive overbevist om værdien af dansende ponyer eller syngende katte, en brug af, hvad Feldwick benævner ‘showmanship’ – evnen til at præsentere noget attraktivt, struktureret og selvsikkert.

Ligesom videnskabsfolk på klogeste vis forsvarer deres opdagelser ved at argumentere for et fortløbende forløb mellem tese og viden, benytter reklamebureauer virksomhedsfilosofier til at legitimere deres ideer over for deres forklaringshungrende kunder.

Med andre ord giver henvisningen til en klart formuleret virksomhedsfilosofi en fornemmelse af struktur og fornuft i, hvad der i realiteten er resultatet af en kaotisk kreativ proces. Dermed er virksomhedsslogans behjælpelige til både at sælge ideerne såvel som skabe kontinuitet i det arbejde, bureauet udfører eller håber på at udføre. Så selv om man kan betvivle overensstemmelsen mellem virkelighedens arbejde og de nøje udvalgte fraser, kan man være sikker på, at de dominerer ethvert pitch eller slideshow, når et bureau præsenterer en ny idé.

En klart formuleret virksomhedsfilosofi giver en fornemmelse af struktur og fornuft i, hvad der i realiteten er resultatet af en kaotisk kreativ proces.

Med henvisning til Aristoteles’ lære om overtalelsens retorik benytter reklamebureauernes virksomhedsfilosofier sig som sagt af alle tre appelformer: Enten taler de til modtageres måde at tænke på (Ethos), til modtagerens situation (Pathos) eller værdier (Logos).

Efter studier af talrige af reklameindustriens egne slogans er der særligt én ting, der synes at være fælles for dem alle: Selv om reklamebureauer netop lever af at fremhæve det særlige ved andres brand eller produkt, så kæmper de med at kunne gøre det samme for sig selv. Det er ganske enkelte svært at skelne et slogan og bureau fra det andet.

Der er en række naturlige årsager til dette.

I sidste ende er den reelle forskel mellem bureauerne og deres tilbud til at overse. Alle som én er de en del af den kreative industri, hvorfor deres mest særlige karaktertræk, nemlig kreativitet, er svært at slå sig op på. Dertil kommer, at det er svært at skabe en troværdig garanti og fortælling om succes i en branche, der i så høj grad afhænger af formodninger og gæt om modtagerens ønsker og handlinger.

I sidste ende er den reelle forskel mellem bureauerne og deres tilbud til at overse.

Dette efterlader bureauerne få midler at arbejde med og inspirationen synes begrænset. Der er dog undtagelser.

Som statistikeren George Box så berømt har formuleret det, så er alle modeller i udgangspunktet forkerte, men nogle er ikke desto mindre brugbare. Pointen her er, at frem for at diskutere graden af korrektheden i et givent udsagn, bør man snarere fokusere på, om den virker efter hensigten eller ej. På samme vis kan man genkalde sig forfatterens Tony Schwartz ord i hans forsvar mod det absolutte som mål: ”Modsætningen til vished er ikke uvished. Det er åbenhed, kreativitet, og en villighed til at favne paradokset,”.

Med andre ord: Den egentlige test for viden er brugbarhed, ikke sandhed, tvivl, og ikke sikkerhed.

Det er grunden til, at de bedste reklamer kommer fra de, der anerkender, at de ikke selv til fulde forstår, hvorfor de virker.

Her kommer listen:

  1. &Co. — Collaboration is as important as strategy and creative.
  2. +27 — We’re producers of interestingness.
  3. 11:21 — Only two things matter: being simple and creative.
  4. 18 Feet & Rising — Be different from the sake of being better.
  5. 180 — Getting the world talking.
  6. 22squared — We help brands become a welcome intruder.
  7. 23red — We change behaviour for the better.
  8. 34 — We believe in creating bold, curious, effective work.
  9. 360i — Powered by curiosity.
  10. 4août — Useful and pleasant.
  11. 72andSunny — Make brands matter in culture.
  12. 99 Enterprises — We design experiences that connect with people.
  13. 99c — We believe in work that sells.
  14. Above & Beyond — The creative agency for the audience age.
  15. Accenture Interactive — The world’s largest digital agency.
  16. Achtung! — Agency for the connected era.
  17. Ackerman McQueen — The most expensive marketing is marketing that doesn’t work.
  18. adam&eveDDB — Make brilliant work that works.
  19. Adex — We create dreams.
  20. Adjust Your Set — Content at the speed of culture.
  21. ADK — Motivating consumers.
  22. Advance — Care more. Nothing less.
  23. Advance comunicação — We combine data, brain and heart.
  24. Africa — Relay and shift.
  25. Agencia Tudo — Think. Do. Propagate.
  26. Agency Brazil — Creative pragmatists.
  27. Agency Sponge — An ad agency, a design house, an ideas factory.
  28. Agency3 — Best is possible.
  29. Aggrey & Clifford — Unexpected, pioneering and above all, relevant.
  30. AJF Partnership — One of Australia’s most effective agencies.
  31. AKQA — The imaginative application of art and science.
  32. Alfred – Everything begins around a table and ends with a glass of champagne.
  33. All Contents — We like to cultivate singularity.
  34. Allen & Gerritsen — Creativity is no longer king. Our new king is inventiveness.
  35. Alpha Century — A creative agency for entrepreneurs.
  36. Altmann + Pacreau — An agency of ideas.
  37. Amazon — Bonding progressive brands with forward-thinking consumers.
  38. Amelie — Make a positive impact on people’s lives.
  39. Amélie Company — Good works.
  40. Amsterdam Worldwide — We create cultural connections for brands.
  41. Amusement Park — We’re not an ad agency, we’re a manufacturer of creative content.
  42. AMV BBBO — UK’s most creative agency.
  43. AnalogFolk — Use digital to make the analog world better.
  44. Anomaly — A deviation from the norm.
  45. Anorak — Be straightforward and to the point.
  46. Another Company — Exceed client expectations.
  47. Antidote — Dare mighty things.
  48. Aqua — Making it awesome.
  49. Aquatro — Modern. Simple. Advertising.
  50. Arcade — Creative entrepreneurs.
  51. Archer Malmo — Big ideas don’t require big heads.
  52. Argonaut — We make things that surprise and delight the world.
  53. Armando Testa — Cross vision.
  54. Arnell Group — To get consumers to say wow.
  55. Arnold Worldwide — Great work works.
  56. Artbox — Centre for creation.
  57. Artplan Agency — Ideas that open conversations.
  58. Arts & Letters Creative Co. — We don’t know what we’re doing, but we’ve done it a thousand times.
  59. Asahi Agency — Applying Japanese spirit and Western intelligence.
  60. ASDG — We think out of the box and experiment.
  61. Asterix — Heart and soul can transform your brand.
  62. Atnetplanet — Innovate and adapt to create viral ecosystems.
  63. Atomic — Never quiet.
  64. Austin & Williams — Come for the ideas, stay for the results.
  65. Australie — The agency that sees things differently.
  66. Avail — Taking brands to new heights.
  67. Avrett Free Ginsberg — We inspire brands to own who they are and live it bravely.
  68. AZE/FBR — Create work that sells.
  69. B.B.E — Driving growth through creative technology.
  70. Babel — Give back to communication the power to create value.
  71. Badkoobeh — Go beyond your farfetched goals through our advertising methods.
  72. Bailey Lauerman — Made for America.
  73. Baldwin — Don’t do anything just for the money.
  74. Baldwin& — We’re not really sure, and we’d like to keep it that way.
  75. Bandujo — We give smart, unexpected, creative solutions that get results.
  76. Banjo — Independent in spirit and thought.
  77. Banujo — Be imaginative.
  78. Barbarian — Break conventions.
  79. Barker — A true alternative to the big slow battleships.
  80. Barker & Christol — We believe in world peace, rainbows and fluffy kitties.
  81. Barkley — Add something good to the world.
  82. Barnes, Catmur & Friends — Do what we can to help clients do whatever they want.
  83. Barton F. Graf — The enemy is irrelevance.
  84. Bates United — Let our ads speak for themselves.
  85. BBDO — The Work. The Work. The Work.
  86. BBH — When the world zigs, zag.
  87. BD — Murder the mediocre.
  88. BDDP — Breakthrough ideas.
  89. Beber Silverstein — Weaving brand stories into the personal culture.
  90. Becon — Humankind.
  91. Being There — For brands that love people.
  92. Berlin Cameron — A boutique agency for building brand cultures.
  93. Bernstein-Rein — We care about impact.
  94. BETC — Great work. No nonsense.
  95. Big — Turning ideas into reality.
  96. Birdman — Create something no one has ever experienced.
  97. BJL — Stand for something. Take on anything.
  98. Black Labz — We deliver with creative care.
  99. Black River FC — Work that’s not only remarkable, but worth remarking about.
  100. Blackbird — Prepare to take off.
  101. Blast Radius — Creatively driven. Digitally focussed.
  102. Bleublancrouge — We’re more than just an ad agency.
  103. Blue 499 — The open source media agency.
  104. Blue Pencil — We will help you get straight to the point.
  105. BMB — We create ideas that generate their own energy.
  106. BMedia — Happy combination of multiple skills.
  107. BMF — The home of the long idea.
  108. Bob — Dialogue is at the heart of everything we do.
  109. Bob the Robot — Creativity is the most important single success factor for companies.
  110. Bold + Beyond — Inspire and connect.
  111. Bolero — Round ideas for a square world.
  112. Bonjour — Forward-thinking ideas for premium brands.
  113. Boomtown — Creativity. Possibility.
  114. Bounche — Deliver wow.
  115. Bowery — We can help you.
  116. BPD — Making brands beloved.
  117. Brave — Because courage counts.
  118. Bravo — Win tough fights.
  119. Bray Leino — Whatever it takes.
  120. Brilliant & Million — Passion drives everything.
  121. Broadbent & Williams, Inc. — Defining. Focusing. Establishing direction.
  122. Brokaw — We help brands rise above the blah blah.
  123. Brothers & Sisters — Revolutionising our clients’ businesses in revolutionary times.
  124. Brown — Success depends on the success of our clients.
  125. Brunner — We’re in pursuit of what’s next.
  126. BSUR — Be yourself to be original.
  127. Bunglow Circus — We create emotions driven by data.
  128. Bunglow25 — Do not sit still.
  129. Burrell Communications — Creating transcultural work.
  130. Burns — Strategically led. Creative at heart. Forward thinking by nature.
  131. Buutvrij for life — Make nice things.
  132. Buzzman — Ads are unwanted, so if you’re going to crash the party, bring champagne.
  133. BVK — We believe in the refreshing power of honesty.
  134. BWM Dentsu — Creativity transforms brands.
  135. Camden — We’re a human-scale agency.
  136. Camp + King — We made brands conversation-worthy.
  137. Campbell Ewald — We create emotionally charged, culturally relevant ideas.
  138. Campbell Mithun Esty — Achieve dominance.
  139. Carmichael Lynch — We create unfair ideas that give our clients an unfair advantage.
  140. Cerebrus — Branding worth loving.
  141. Cernuto Pizzigoni & Partners — We make ideas, which is different from having ideas.
  142. Change — Benevolence.
  143. Channel T — Be bold, be brave, be brilliant.
  144. Chapter SF — We exist to solve wicked problems facing pioneering businesses.
  145. Cheetham Bell — The power of simple.
  146. Cheil — Ideas that move.
  147. Chemistry — We tell stories that create a reaction.
  148. CHI&Partners — Game-changing creativity.
  149. CJ Worx — The new breed of agency for the digital era.
  150. Clarity Coverdale Fury — Feeding the emotion between brands and people.
  151. Cloudfactory — Creativity is collective.
  152. Code d’Azur — Stand out. Fit in.
  153. Cogent — Built on the power of togetherness.
  154. Cole & Weber — Strategically focused. Creatively ambitious. Digitally accomplished.
  155. Collective London — We create powerful, emotive and cut-through digital experiences.
  156. Conill — Propelling brands into the heart of the conversation.
  157. Contagion — Change today to own tomorrow.
  158. Contagious Communications — We help companies create braver marketing.
  159. Contagious London — The all-in-one creative agency.
  160. Contract Advertising — We believe in building brands from the heart.
  161. CoolGraySeven — Great work comes from collaboration.
  162. Copacino + Fujikado — Find that thing.
  163. Cossette — To go beyond.
  164. CP+B — To create outrageously dramatic work.
  165. cramer-krasselt — Made friends, not ads.
  166. Cream — Creativity is our effectiveness strategy.
  167. Creative Mindworks — We offer not just services. We create solutions.
  168. CreativeRace — No barriers.
  169. Creativos & Medios — Let’s make mischief.
  170. Creature of London — The home of intelligent misbehaviour.
  171. CRI Agence — Incite interest.
  172. Critical Mass — Relentless focus on the customer.
  173. Cubo — Outsmarting problems by making brands stickier in the mind.
  174. Cult — We’re at the intersection of creativity and technology.
  175. Cummins&Partners — Nothing’s more valuable than independent thinking.
  176. Cutwater — We build brands to move quickly through culture.
  177. Dada — We craft bold, creative and strategic business solutions.
  178. Daiko — Ideas win.
  179. Dailey — We love advertising.
  180. Dare — Digital design engineering.
  181. Darewin — Helping brands reach their targets with entertainment.
  182. David — A first-name agency that believes in the personal.
  183. David Guillaume — Killing indifference.
  184. David&Goliath — We help challenger brands outsmart and outperform the competition.
  185. Dawn — Make stuff people want.
  186. Dawson Pickering — Great creative ideas drive exceptional business results.
  187. DDB — Imagine. Inspire. Influence.
  188. DDFH+B — Ideas company that delivers great work that works.
  189. Deloitte Digital — The creative digital consultancy.
  190. Delphys — Don’t be bound by rules.
  191. Des Cheval — A no-limit agency that takes a fresh and impetuous view of everything.
  192. Designate — The agency that lives, thinks and breathes brand.
  193. Deutsch — Human spoken here.
  194. Devito / Verdi — We give our clients what they want but never what they expect.
  195. Dewynters — Experience is everything.
  196. DF London — For the age of influence.
  197. DGWB — The values economy.
  198. Different — Together we make a difference.
  199. DigitasLbi — We’re a modern, data-inspired agency.
  200. Dim Canzian — Make it deep.
  201. DiMassimo Goldstein — Inspiring action.
  202. DMC — Access to success.
  203. Dolly Rogers — Be human.
  204. Don’t Panic — Contagious ideas.
  205. Doner — We do audacious things for ambitious brands.
  206. DPS les indés — Dependence leads to indifference, independence creates difference.
  207. DPZT — To join the right letters.
  208. Driven — Creating ideas that sell.
  209. Droga5 — Creatively led. Strategically driven. Technology friendly. Humanity obsessed.
  210. Drummond Central — Takin’ care of business.
  211. Duke — Fight indifference.
  212. Duncan Channon — Unearth, unfurl and unleash truly distinct identities.
  213. DWGB – The power of shared values.
  214. East House Creative — Madison Avenue creative without the Madison Avenue attitude.
  215. Ebony & Ivory — Making a difference to brands and people’s lives.
  216. Echo — Communication that resonates.
  217. Edelman — Connecting, informing and creating inspiring work.
  218. Ego White Red & Green — Without narration there is no communication.
  219. Elvis Communications — We turn audiences in fans.
  220. Energize — Humanise brands.
  221. Engage — Data is human.
  222. Ensemble — Creating content that people want to watch, experience and share.
  223. EON — We believe in upholding truth for good.
  224. EP+Co — Unthink everything.
  225. Epicosity — An idea factory that gives brands a voice.
  226. Escala — Connecting companies to their audiences with impact.
  227. Essence — Making advertising more valuable to the world.
  228. Et Vous — Transforming brands.
  229. Exp — We create energy.
  230. Fabrique — Challenge reality.
  231. Factory — We’ll make things.
  232. Fair&Square — Less money requires more guts.
  233. Fairly Famous — Amplifying the messages of progressive companies.
  234. Fallon — For clients who’d rather outsmart than outspend the competition.
  235. Famous Innovations — Innovation is the difference between popular and famous.
  236. Fancy — Great work can do great things.
  237. Farrelly — Beyond expectations.
  238. FCB — Never finished.
  239. FCB Inferno — The world needs more interesting.
  240. FICC — Leading brands to digital.
  241. Figliulo & Partners — Agency for the information age.
  242. Fischer — Innovative solutions.
  243. Fitzroy — Make brands adaptable to change.
  244. FKC — Might to will. Think to do.
  245. FleishmanHillard — The power of true.
  246. Fold7 — Relentlessly relevant.
  247. Footsteps — The motion and culture agency.
  248. Forever Beta — Relentless improvement.
  249. Forsman & Bodenfors — The Floor: Swedish consensus.
  250. Fortune — CORE (Connected, Organised, Related, Effective).
  251. FOTW — A blend of creative excellence.
  252. Founded — We move people.
  253. Fox Kalomaski Crossing — Small but mighty.
  254. FoxP2 — Chemical. Here atoms and ideas collide.
  255. Fred & Farid — State something.
  256. Freeman — Building meaningful relationships.
  257. Friendship — Unboring life.
  258. GA — Brands that resonate.
  259. Geometry Global — We help brands thrive in an omni-channel world.
  260. George & Dragon — A family business.
  261. Giant Spoon — Ideas through the lens of culture.
  262. Gish, Sherwood & Friends, Inc. — We expose the truth and inspire action.
  263. Gloo — Onwards and upwards.
  264. Glory — Audacity is a vector of efficiency.
  265. Golin — Relevance obsessed, relevance equipped.
  266. Good — We work for good.
  267. Goodby, Silverstein & Partners — We make things that reach millions, but seem to speak only to you.
  268. Goodness MFC — Uncover the goodness.
  269. Goodstuph — Never ‘no’ but ‘why not?’
  270. Grabarz & Partner — Participative creativity.
  271. Grafik — We define and develop great brands.
  272. Gravity Road — Clever with content.
  273. Greatest Common Factory — Make things better.
  274. Grenade & Sparks — We support companies in their transformation.
  275. Grenadier — Creativity and innovation can change the world.
  276. Grey — Famously effective.
  277. Grid Worldwide — Disruption for brand.
  278. Grok — We create emotional connections.
  279. Growmint — We’re creative adventurers and changemakers.
  280. Grupo Gallegos — Fortune favors the brave.
  281. GSD&M — Purpose-driven creative agency.
  282. GTB — Artful. Stealthy. Unexpected.
  283. gyro — Create ideas that are humanly relevant.
  284. Hakuhodo — People centred, data-driven creative agency.
  285. Hamiltons Advertising — The Jill-of-all-trades agency.
  286. Happiness Brussels — Spread happiness.
  287. Happiness Saigon — From 30 to 3.0.
  288. Hasan & Partners — Make our clients famous.
  289. Havas — Creating meaningful connections between people and brands.
  290. Hellocomputer — More human.
  291. Hello Monday — Happy people create joyful digital experiences.
  292. Herewecan — Connecting creativity and digital business.
  293. Herezie — The power of choice.
  294. Hey — It’s a fun corner.
  295. High concept — More fun. More smart.
  296. HighCo Avenue — The power in big, the agility in more.
  297. Hill Holliday — Humble, hungry, humans.
  298. Home — Feel good.
  299. Hometown — Move at the speed of culture.
  300. Hot Mustard — Intelligent communication.
  301. HS AD — A creative agency with a difference.
  302. Hub — We provide world-class creative across every channel.
  303. Hudson Rouge — We are pioneers who never settle.
  304. Huge — Make something you love.
  305. Humanaut — A creative agency making things that humans love.
  306. Humanseven — An agency on a human scale.
  307. Humdinger and Sons — A creative agency for the common good.
  308. Hummingbird — Where ideas fly.
  309. Hungry & Foolish — Less blah, more action.
  310. Hunt Adkins — We blow shit up.
  311. Hunterlodge — We start at the end.
  312. Hyde — Creative thinking always.
  313. HZDZ — Your best story, simply told.
  314. IBM iX — We study the intersection of strategy, creativity and technology.
  315. Ici Barbes — Start social.
  316. iCrossing — At the crossroads of pretty and gritty.
  317. Imagination — Transforming business through creativity.
  318. Impero — We make tired brands famous.
  319. Indie — Fresh views on all kinds of issues.
  320. Innocean Worldwide — Discover beyond.
  321. Inside Out — Driven by passion.
  322. Insign — Business hacking.
  323. Instinct — We find unconventional solutions to common tasks.
  324. Intermix — Create value for our clients.
  325. Interplanetary, Inc. — We find the humanity at the heart of your brand.
  326. Intro — Get noticed.
  327. Invnt — Challenge everything.
  328. iProspect — Giving businesses a tangible advantage in today’s world.
  329. Ireland/Davenport — We create amazing things.
  330. Iris — We build participation brands.
  331. Isobar — Ideas without limits.
  332. Isobel — We supercharge brands.
  333. IW Group — Crafting content for diverse consumers.
  334. IXM — Creative Engineering: design and devise ideas that create wealth.
  335. J. Walter Thompson — The world’s best-known agency.
  336. Jack Morton — Do something extraordinary.
  337. Jacobs Agency — Here’s to the idea.
  338. Jandly — We break boundaries.
  339. Jesus et Gabriel — The agency for anything drunk and eaten.
  340. JLA — We solve marketing problems for a living.
  341. Joe Public — The audience is everything.
  342. Johannes Leonardo — The consumer is the medium.
  343. Joint — We’re a creative business.
  344. Josiane — An agency. With lots of ideas in it.
  345. Joy. — Make brands into favourites.
  346. Jung von Matt — Emotional is the only rational.
  347. Karmarama — The home of good works.
  348. Kastner & Partners — We build.
  349. KesselsKramer — Make it meaningful.
  350. Ketchum — Break through.
  351. Khanna \ Reidinga — Be interesting or die.
  352. Kindred — Understanding people.
  353. Kinetic — Connecting with audiences on the move.
  354. King James — Making brands spectacularly memorable.
  355. King of Hearts — To the point.
  356. Kingdom — We are the agency because we build relationships.
  357. kirshenbaum bond senecal + partners — Inspired by tough.
  358. KKBC — Keep moving.
  359. Kokoro — Heartvertising.
  360. Kolle Rebbe — Quite simply, believes in common sense.
  361. Krieg Schlupp Partner — Change the world with ideas.
  362. Krow Communications — Where leaps are made.
  363. KWP! — Ideas that are impossible to ignore.
  364. La Chose — Indefinable.
  365. La Comunidad — Cultural fluidity.
  366. La Famille — A great family of talents.
  367. Lachlan McPherson and Friends — Create positive change.
  368. Lateral Aspect — This way to intelligent creativity.
  369. Laundry Service — Make amazing sh!t.
  370. Le Nouvel Opera — We believe French brands could have Frenchitude.
  371. Leagas Delaney — Smart thinking. Beautiful work.
  372. Leith — Bold ideas that work.
  373. Lemni Scata — Using the head.
  374. Lemon Scented Tea — We use stories to build brands.
  375. Leo Burnett — Creating stuff people love.
  376. Les Evades — Great big ideas.
  377. Les Fraises Sauvages — Smart agency for smart brands.
  378. Les Gaulois — An agency on a human scale.
  379. Les Gros Mots — The problem with the little words is that we do not see them.
  380. Les Pirates — The agency for sports and extreme sports.
  381. Libertine — The free-thinking agency.
  382. LIDA — Powered by data, technology and creative prowess.
  383. Lime — The boutique creative agency.
  384. Linney — Restless.
  385. Little — Design is everything.
  386. Live & Breathe — Considered maverick response.
  387. LMWR — Be work and roll.
  388. London Advertising — Be Brilliant.
  389. London Strategy Unit — We stop companies sliding into irrelevance.
  390. Lopez Negrette — Powered by cultural insights.
  391. Loveurope — Producers of great advertising.
  392. LRXD — Two weeks to truth.
  393. Lucky Generals — A creative company for people on a mission.
  394. Ludwig — Reveal creative value.
  395. M&C Saatchi — Brutal simplicity of thought.
  396. Mad & Woman — The future is female.
  397. Made — The audience is in charge.
  398. Mademoiselle Scarlett — When nothing goes right, go left.
  399. Madras — We seamlessly weave together story and delivery.
  400. Makheia — To win the battle of commitment.
  401. Manasian — A project based agency.
  402. Mangos — Helping brands participate, boldly, in the world.
  403. Marc USA — Uncovering radical insights that incite powerful reactions.
  404. Marcel — We make things that change things.
  405. Marcus Thomas — Seeking impossible.
  406. Markvardig — Crazy but sensible ideas.
  407. Martin Agency — Good and tough.
  408. Martin Williams — Create activists for brands.
  409. Marvelous — Entertainment is king.
  410. Matador — Ideas for all places.
  411. Maxmedia — Bring the best together.
  412. Maxx — Make everything greater.
  413. MBA — Where digital and direct connect.
  414. MCC — Building thoughtful brands.
  415. McCann — Truth well told.
  416. McGarrah Jessee — We create emotional connection between consumers and brands.
  417. mcgarrybowen — Clients deserve better.
  418. Mediar — Our clients come first.
  419. Meerkats — Purposely successful.
  420. Mekanism — To create shareable and provocative campaigns that engage audiences.
  421. Mendeleiev — People belong to categories of know-how.
  422. Merkley+Partners — We make connections that stick.
  423. MetropolitanRepublic — Do things differently.
  424. MillerVolpe — Giving life to brands.
  425. Mindgruve — Expect amazing.
  426. Mintz & Hoke — Create ideas so powerful they change the way people think and act.
  427. Mirum — A borderless digital agency.
  428. Miss Noï — Creative cell with free spirit.
  429. Mistress — Brand building in modern media culture.
  430. MKTG — The power of shared experience.
  431. MNSTR — Opposites attract.
  432. Moblaze — Agency for the mobile age.
  433. Modern Climate — Be significant.
  434. Moma Propaganda — A disciplined agency.
  435. Mondo — Search for solutions through analysis and meditation.
  436. Monumenta — The world is fluid. So are we.
  437. Moreandme — We bring sexiness, desirability and modernity to brands.
  438. Mortierbrigade — We fight creative mediocrity.
  439. Mortimer Harvey — We put heart and smart together.
  440. Moses Inc. — We solve problems before most realize there is a problem.
  441. Mother — Make great work.
  442. Mr. President — Question bravely. Answer boldly.
  443. MRY — Rooted in Culture. Enabled by Technology. Driven by Relevancy.
  444. MSI Advertising — Experience matters.
  445. Muh-Tay-Zik / Hof-Fer — Professionally outrageous and outrageously professional.
  446. MullenLowe — A different kind of beast.
  447. Mutt Industries — Beauty. Truth. Simplicity.
  448. MXO — Enrich and simplify.
  449. N=5 — No-nonsense.
  450. Nail — An advertising agency that hates advertising.
  451. Naked Communications — Challenge conventions.
  452. Natwerk — Absurdly effective.
  453. NBS — No bullshit.
  454. Needleman Drossman & Partners — We believe in the power of an idea.
  455. New Digital Noise — A collective of creative minds who strive for the very best.
  456. Nexlabs — Make a measurable difference.
  457. Nikkeisha — We connect people with fresh ideas.
  458. Noble People — Straightforward, upright and no-bullshit.
  459. Nomads — For borderless thinking and ideas that travel.
  460. Nova/SB — The popsynergy agency.
  461. Now — The advertising agency for a restless world.
  462. Nuworks — Storyteching.
  463. O’Keefe Reinhard & Paul — Big brand creativity, startup ingenuity.
  464. Odd London — Beautiful effectiveness.
  465. Ogilvy — We Sell. Or else.
  466. Oliver — Inside intelligence.
  467. Olson — Think like people.
  468. One Show — Don’t get lost.
  469. OpusMultipla — Creativity is the best way to generate results.
  470. Organic — Everything is interactive.
  471. Oricom — Communication that grasps moving consumers .
  472. Our Man in Havana — We’re not for everyone.
  473. Out of the Box — Bullshit in, bullshit out.
  474. Pable — Home of the humble radicals.
  475. Pablo — Creating brands that come alive through radical ideas.
  476. Partners & Partners — Boston Consulting meets Ideo meets Droga5.
  477. Partners Andrews Aldridge — Rethink.
  478. Penguin — Helping our clients sell more products, to more people, more often.
  479. People and you — Develop brand values to create valuable brands.
  480. People Culture & Ideas — Be small and nimble not big and bloated.
  481. People Ideas & Culture — Agency for the 21st century needs.
  482. People we like — We blend sense and style.
  483. Pereira & O’Dell — Creating cross-disciplinary campaigns for progressive marketers.
  484. Perfect Fools — Agency for the digital era.
  485. Perfect Storm — Be useful or be obsolete.
  486. Periscope — Do things people love.
  487. Phelps — We help deserving clients find their voice.
  488. Phibious — Playful and thoughtful / Be the unfair advantage.
  489. Pilot PMR — Tell your story in a compelling way.
  490. PIMO — Welcome to the age of real.
  491. Piston — Where strategic leadership and start-up mentality intersect.
  492. Plan B — Big enough to do it right. Small enough to do it better.
  493. Poke — An ideas company for a connected world.
  494. Pool Worldwide — Bringing the Internet to advertising.
  495. Porter Novelli — We find greatness in everything.
  496. Possible — We create experiences that keep brand promises.
  497. Preston Kelly — Home of iconic ideas.
  498. Principles Agency — More than just a name.
  499. Prodigious Norge — Brand logistics.
  500. Promise — Let the most effective idea lead.
  501. Proof — Nothing watered down.
  502. Propeg — We sell ideas.
  503. Prophet — Grow better.
  504. Proximity — Creative intelligence.
  505. Psona — Can do.
  506. Publicis — Lead the change.
  507. PwC Digital — We drive business transformation.
  508. Quai des Orfèvres — Goldsmiths of communication.
  509. Quaras — We enhance corporate value.
  510. Quiet Storm — Purveyors of exquisite mind bombs.
  511. Quirk — Brave curious minds.
  512. R/GA — Agency for the connected age.
  513. R9 — Post-digital thinking.
  514. Rabbit’s Tale — Break the norm, build the tale.
  515. Radioville — Radio is a different place.
  516. Ramel — Made to measure.
  517. Rapier — To make customers’ lives better.
  518. Rascal — Think curious.
  519. Razorfish — Here for tomorrow.
  520. Recess Creative — Play is built into our day.
  521. Recipe — The UK’s freshest independent agency.
  522. Red — Everything begins with an idea.
  523. Red Baron Werbeagentur — To be sure to score is to think focussed.
  524. Red Brick Road — Go above and beyond.
  525. Red Fuse — It’s a brave new world.
  526. Red Lion — The best advertising isn’t always advertising.
  527. Red Urban — Strong ideas that work.
  528. Redder — We make brands redder
  529. Republik — Produce outstanding work.
  530. Resn — Infect minds with gooey experiences that amaze and stupefy.
  531. Rno1 — Together, we can make waves.
  532. Robert/Boisen & Like-minded — Together we’re better.
  533. Rockfish — Born out of tech, embedded in start-ups, and fueled by strategy.
  534. Romance — We work hard and we are nice to people.
  535. Rosapark — Fresh ideas for great business.
  536. Rosbeef! — We are creative and we have common sense.
  537. Rothco — We produce ideas that change fate and fortune.
  538. RPA — People first.
  539. RPM — We believe brands connect with people when they entertain.
  540. Rubin Postaer and Associates — People first.
  541. Saatchi & Saatchi — Nothing is impossible.
  542. Sanders\Wingo — Use behavioral science to hack the human operating system.
  543. Santa Clara — Intelligence transforms people, brands and businesses.
  544. SapientNitro — Redefining storytelling for an always-on world.
  545. 546. Satumaa Family Business — Nordic thinking.
  546. Schafer Condon Carter — Think again.
  547. Scholz & Friends — We are the orchestra of ideas.
  548. School Boulder — Purpose in action.
  549. Seagull — Ideas that soar
  550. Select — We deliver magic with logic.
  551. Selmore — The small big agency.
  552. Sell! Sell — Extraordinary ideas make commercial sense.
  553. Serviceplan — Turning brands into best brands.
  554. Setu — Bridging the gap.
  555. Shout — We create conversational topics.
  556. Showpony Advertising — We make ads that people talk about.
  557. Sid Lee — Agency for the modern age.
  558. Siren — Advertising that works.
  559. Sivans — Because we’re different.
  560. Six Tokyo — Mixing unconventional and cool.
  561. Smith Brothers — Deliver big ideas with flawless execution.
  562. Snap London — Ideas that bite.
  563. Socialove — We help customers fall in love with your brand.
  564. Solve — We sell solutions not services.
  565. Somo — Rapid actionable innovation.
  566. Southpaw — Caution doesn’t make headlines.
  567. Spark Foundry — We bring heat to brands.
  568. Spawn Ideas — We don’t settle for good enough.
  569. Special — Make things that matter.
  570. Spirit — We love to start fires. We ignite emotions.
  571. Splash — We believe in the power of connections
  572. Sponge — Where brand narrative, creative firepower and innovation absorb into one.
  573. Spring — We brands at the forefront of cultural conversations.
  574. 574. Squat New York — The brand crafters.
  575. SS+K — Born to lead brands through moments of change.
  576. St John’s — Restore integrity in communications.
  577. St. Luke’s — Home of agenda setting ideas.
  578. Stack — We turn time into money.
  579. Steve — Pop culture agency.
  580. Stevens & Tate — We make things happen.
  581. Stink Studios — A creative studio for a digital-first world.
  582. Story — The best selling agency.
  583. Story Worldwide — The world’s first content-driven agency.
  584. StrawberryFrog — The world’s first cultural movement agency.
  585. Sugar & Partners — Making brands famous.
  586. Sullivan Higdon & Sink — Stand out from the flock of sheep-like advertising.
  587. Sunday — We create beautifully crafted, brilliantly effective brand stories.
  588. Sunshine — A next-generation entertainment company.
  589. Super at the Spree — Super is not just a name. It’s what we claim our ideas are.
  590. Superhero Cheesecake — Raise the bar.
  591. Superheroes — Save the world from boring advertising.
  592. Superunion — Agency built on a spirit of creative optimism.
  593. Sylvain Labs — Our tools are science and whimsy.
  594. Syzygy — We create happiness.
  595. Tabasco — Be real.
  596. Tank Top — Put simply, we add value to brands.
  597. Tattoo Projects — No, we’re not a tattoo parlor.
  598. TAXI — Doubt the conventional.
  599. TBWA — Disruption.
  600. Team One — The new affluence is calling.
  601. Terri & Sandy — Woman-owned, strategic & creative advertising agency.
  602. The & Partnership — A modern communications agency fueled by the power of ‘&’.
  603. The Ad Store — We are the human network.
  604. The Adventures Of — We disregard rules, they only rule out the brilliant exception.
  605. The Allenby — Make campaigns that change the world or put a smile on your face.
  606. The Brand Agency — We’re agents of change.
  607. The Brooklyn Brothers — Home of blockbuster branding.
  608. The Cheese has Moved — The small agency that thinks big.
  609. The Circus Works — Make people stand up and take notice.
  610. The Clan — We’re an agent of change.
  611. The Community — We build brands for a culturally fluid world.
  612. The Corner — We will.
  613. The Creative Council — Making ideas happen.
  614. The Escape Pod — Bringing brand propositions to life dramatically.
  615. The Full Service — Bold. Brave. Beautiful.
  616. The Gate London — Breakthrough work. Boundless culture.
  617. The Good Kind Of Crazy Inc. — No secret formulas.
  618. The Hallway — Creativity is effectiveness.
  619. The Hardy Boys — We’re problem solvers at heart.
  620. The Hub — Good things happen when unexpected things come together.
  621. The Jupiter Drawing Room & Partners — Beautiful mayhem.
  622. The Magic Pencil — Meticulous with details.
  623. The Minimart — Good people, fierce thinking.
  624. The Mission — Concinnity.
  625. The Monkeys — Creating entertaining and provocative ideas.
  626. The North Alliance — We create new paths to growth.
  627. The Old Shanghai Firecracker Factory — Small agency with big ideas.
  628. The Partners — Create, cultivate and inspire brands for those who aspire to lead.
  629. The Royals — The most interested agency in the world.
  630. The Secret Little Agency — We move culture everyday.
  631. The Union — Where effectiveness meets creativity.
  632. The Works — The creatively-wired agency.
  633. They — Be seen.
  634. Think — The digital transformation agency.
  635. Thinkerbell — Measured magic.
  636. TM — Woman-owned indie agency.
  637. TM Advertising — Independent, female-owned creative agency.
  638. Tokyu Agency — Create amazing experiences.
  639. Tombras — Connecting data and creativity for business results.
  640. Tongal — Crowdsourcing creative work.
  641. Tracy Locke — Applying design thinking to motivations.
  642. Trailer Park — All brands have a great story to tell.
  643. Transform — Creative entrepreneurs.
  644. Tree — Be specific.
  645. Tribal Worldwide — Creating the world’s most loved digital experiences.
  646. Tricycle — We make stuff people want to watch.
  647. Triverse — Ideas cause change.
  648. True — Being true.
  649. TSR & Partners – Defining experiences for the digital age.
  650. TUX — We are a fearless partner in creativity.
  651. Über — Over, above, beyond.
  652. Ultrasupernew — Free-thinking but focussed
  653. Uncle — Simplicity and creativity have the same mother.
  654. Uncommon London — Building brands that people actually wish existed.
  655. Union — Built for where our industry is going. Not where it has been.
  656. Urja Communications — Distinctive, digital, fast.
  657. Utopia — Changing the fortunes of brands, people, and planet.
  658. UWG — We are insight driven storytellers.
  659. Vandejong — Dream, experiment and realize change.
  660. VCCP — Transformation partners.
  661. Venables Bell & Partners — Honest. Fearless. Independent.
  662. Verygoodchoice — An idea tank.
  663. VIA — We help clients grow through creativity.
  664. VIRTUE — The creative agency by VICE.
  665. VML — Champions of the human spirit.
  666. VMSD — Create something extraordinary that tells a story.
  667. Volontaire AB — Our work never interrupts people.
  668. Volt — Moving brands and people.
  669. Voskhod — To move beyond.
  670. VSA Partners — There’s always a better way.
  671. W — Start with the reality.
  672. Wieden+Kennedy — Find the brand’s soul and reveal its truth.
  673. Walker Agency — We like to keep things creative.
  674. WARL — First person conversion.
  675. we are pi — Never settle.
  676. We Launch — We launch everything.
  677. We, The Citizens — To create interesting communications that’ll make stop.
  678. Weber Shandwick — Engaging always.
  679. Wetpaint — The little big agency.
  680. Wexley School for Girls — We’re simply an ad agency.
  681. What’s Your Problem — Creative brand solutions for a digital world.
  682. Who Why What — Three times the question brings a real answer.
  683. Will London — There’s always a way.
  684. Williams Lea Tag — To create value for our clients.
  685. Willis Collaborative — The agency for progressive marketers.
  686. Winter — We push digital boundaries.
  687. Woedend! — Relentlessly curious.
  688. Wolf & Wilhelmine — Obsessed with what it means to be alive today.
  689. Wolfe Doyle — Comfortable ads should make you nervous as hell.
  690. Womenkind — Built on the wisdom of women.
  691. WPN Chameleon — We move people.
  692. Wunderman — Creatively driven. Data inspired.
  693. X3M Ideas — Change perception.
  694. XXS — Challenge conventions.
  695. Y&R — Resist the usual.
  696. You — An ad agency that thinks about what is best for you.
  697. Zambezi — Take bigger bites.
  698. Zimmerman advertising — Welcome to the growth machine.
  699. Zubi Advertising — To erase stereotypes.
  700. Zulu Alpha Kilo — We’re the 10% more agency, charge and quality.

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